No Negativity Allowed: A Positive Approach to Negative Thoughts at School

How do you get rid of negative thoughts while at school? It can be challenging to think of no negativity throughout the day. Especially when your thoughts start taking over when you're having a tough time at school. Negative thoughts, like self-doubt or worry about failing, can creep in and hinder your progress. Recognizing these thoughts is crucial because they can derail your efforts to achieve your goals. Let's explore negative thinking in a bit more detail. 

Why Do We Keep Thinking Negatively?

Everyone has negative thoughts sometimes. When you're having negative thoughts that cycle through your mind repeatedly, it can really become a bad pattern. Recurring thoughts of this nature can be symptoms of anxiety and depression disorders. 

Is It Possible to Take a Positive Approach to Negative Thinking? 

Thinking negatively can feel outside of your control and completely automatic. With the right techniques and continuous practice, you can learn to retrain your mind and free yourself from habitual thinking and negative self-talk.

You can take a positive approach to negative thinking with the support of The Chill Pill®. This handheld anxiety device helps to reduce stress and improve mental health by using Pressure Point Therapy Technology (PPTT). The Chill Pill® sends gentle stimulation from your hand to your brain that signals your nervous system to relax.
You may already know of PPTT as acupressure and electrotherapy. 

Do we have control over our thoughts?

Certainly. We are continually aware of only a tiny fraction of our thinking which goes on in our minds and can manage our conscious thoughts. The majority of our thinking goes on subconsciously.

The human brain is a powerhouse of energy and by far the most complex. Here are a few ways you can handle your negative thoughts.

How Can You Combat Negative Thoughts?

Be conscious of your thoughts: No Negativity Allowed

So, How do you get rid of negative thoughts? Stop yourself from thinking a negative thought as soon as you catch yourself thinking it. One thought can lead to another and before you know it, you are experiencing deep grief and sorrow over your past mistakes or hurts. So it is very important to stop at that first negative thought itself. 

Next, using a positive approach, replace the thought with a kind thought or reframe your thought pattern into a more gentle one. This will help you feel more positive and hopeful.

Keep yourself busy

You are more prone to negative thinking when you are sitting idle, rather than when you are busy. Keeping your hands and mind occupied by doing tasks like cleaning, studying, doing your hobby, etc. helps keep your mind off negative thoughts. The Chill Pill® is perfect for times when you need to sit through a lecture or meeting and tend to feel restless. Our handheld anxiety device can be used discreetly in the palm of your hand to activate your Heart Meridian.

Being busy means that you don’t have time to sit and think about how unfair life is. Busyness directs your attention away from yourself, your aches and pains.


Listening to your favorite music for 25 minutes a day can bring about a great mood change and have a positive effect on your health and day. Upbeat music is a great way to keep negative thoughts away. It is hard to entertain troubling thoughts when you are listening to your favorite music.


People tend to experience more pleasant and happy feelings than people who exercise less or don’t exercise at all. The chemical dopamine which is associated with pleasure and happiness, is released in the brain every time you exercise, making it harder for negative thoughts to enter your mind. 


Eating nutritious food that is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants not only nourishes your brain but significantly impacts your thought processes and how you feel. Mood and food have an important connection.

Full Night's Rest and Sleep

Lack of sleep is one of the major causes of negative thinking. It greatly affects your mood, causing you to feel anxious, irritable, and angry. Getting a sufficient 8 hours of sleep helps to keep negative thoughts away and greatly improves your mental health. Using The Chill Pill® device at night helps you fall asleep quickly by using PPTT to send gentle stimulation from your hand to your brain, activating your parasympathetic system so you can sleep soundly and wake up rested. 

Avoid Triggers

It is important that one gives attention to their environment and intentionally removes all triggers that would initiate negative thoughts. Negative thinking is also a habit that one can easily pick up from others. Minimizing contact with such people and avoiding negative triggers can help keep one sane and positive. 

It is never too late to try changing your negative thought pattern. These are ways you can work on reducing your stress levels, both through the kind of thoughts you have about yourself and how you respond to stressful situations.

If you're still struggling with negative thoughts and stress with school, The Chill Pill® device is here for you. The electronic waves send gentle stimulation from your hand to your brain that signals your nervous system to relax.
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